Sunday, January 11, 2009

Busy Weekend

Well, Friday we went to my daughter Kait's and she passed us a ton of baby stuff.  Two large bags of clothes, a baby swing, a bouncey seat, a tub, a boppy pillow/gym, a bumbo seat, toys, diaper bags, bibs, etc.  Aiden's shelves are now full and my closet now is overflowing.  It is great though it will help so much.  

I spent Friday night washing all of the clothes and hanging or folding them.  They had been put away clean but were in storage for awhile so I freshened them up.  Saturday a.m. I finished up my last load of baby clothes and moved on to our laundry.  Instead of just doing towels from my bathroom may daughter Em and I went through the house and found all of the dirty towels.  In her room, my son's room, their bathroom and mine.  I ended up doing three loads of towels.  Those are all caught up.  I did a load of my clothes, some blankets and table clothes.  Tomorrow I have a load of darks and some whites to do.  I will probably start tonight and finish up in the a.m.  It is nice making our own laundry soap and saves us so much money.  I did do the baby clothes in dreft and probably will for the first month, after that I will do his in the home made soap too.

Today we had to run to the flea market this afternoon to get vacuum bags.  For some reason it is the only place we have been able to find bags for my vacuum.  There is a vaccum repair guy there and he sells them.  I was in and out in 20 min and got the vacuum bag, hubbies' candy, oil for my lamp and a bunch of fresh produce.

Yesterday I marinated a london broil.  This afternoon hubby grilled it and Em and I cut up veggies and roasted them.  We did potatos, yellow squash, green peppers and onions.  They were SOOO good!

I have also gotten familiar with facebook and found a lot of old friends.  

It has been so nice here in Florida the last two days.  The weather has been cooler and I have had the house open and airing out.  It made we long to have some lines to hang my clothes out to dry.  That will probably be a project I attempt next weekend.  This weekend I put a shelf above my dryer to hold all my dish towels and cleaning rags.  The weather is supposed to take a turn and get even colder.  Many of the days ahead show highs of only 65.  I LOVE days like that.  Hubby loves them too as he works outside and cooler weather is so much more comfortable.

Well, off to do some more work.

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